Marvel Universe Live

Last Friday, my hubby took Princeton and me out for dinner and a show. He had been excited for this night for weeks. Well, ever since he got us tickets to Marvel Universe Live. We only got three tickets for several reasons. One, Skyler is down for the night by 5:30pm; two, he is too young to enjoy it, and three, all of the lights and loud noises would have probably scared him.
So Friday night, we asked grandma Faya to stay with our SkySky, put him down for the night, and headed Downtown to LA Live with our oldest.
We arrived early, effectively beating the rush, and decided to have dinner at Katsuya.
Hubby and I are currently on a diet, so rather than our usual sushi orders, we opted for sashimi and did not regret it.

Dinner was delicious and I loved all of the photo ops.

After dinner, we leisurely walked over to the Staples Center to prepare for the show. What we found was a little boy's paradise. Parents be warned, you will spend at the very least, $30 on snacks and toys. There are popcorn, cotton candy, shaved ice, toys and souvenir stands everywhere. There are photo ops, at a price, as well as face painting booths, throughout the entire ground floor of the Staples Center.
We got off easy, with only a large bag of cotton candy, which comes equipped with a mask (Princeton chose the Groot mask over the Hulk, Iron Man, Rocket Racoon and Princeton's personal favorite, Spiderman), and a cool new blaster that lights up and makes lots of different "cool" sounds.

Once we got our snack and toy situation handled, we found our seats.
Parents, a word of advise, do not pay extra for the first few rows. They are too close and would not be a very comfortable experience. We sat in row twelve and had the perfect view of the entire stage. Any closer and our three and a half year old may have been a little overwhelmed.

The show itself was very entertaining. In between staring at my awe struck child and his proud papa, I found myself enjoying the story line and all of the action on stage. I won't go into the story line because I do not want to give anything away, but I will say that it was easy enough for Princeton to follow, and good enough to entertain Hubby and me.
There is a break half way through the show, long enough for a toddler potty break (we all know how long these can take), and to get some more food for the second half of the show.
As I mentioned before, the look on Princeton's face, as he recognized and named all of the Superhero's he knew, and asked in wonder about all of the hero's he was seeing for the first time, was priceless.

The look on Papa's face as he watched his son was pretty priceless in itself.

All in all, if your little one's are into super hero's, this is a must! Bravo to our sweet Papa for yet another wonderful experience. We had an amazing time.

Marvel Universe Live is coming to a city near you. For schedule and ticket info, click here.