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Sweet P and Sky in the News

Uploader Magazine - Life Style Buzz

Achieving Happiness During Social Distancing

By Naza Holliman


The world has changed exponentially in just a few short weeks, and our lives will very likely never be the same. Here in Los Angeles, California, less than two weeks ago, kids were in school, people were working, dining out, enjoying beach days, and snow days in the mountains. We are Californians, and we love to be out enjoying our unique climate, and all of the social activities available to us.


As an Angelino, I am no exception. My family is one who loves to travel, to be out and about. My kid’s favorite question is, “what are we going to explore today, mama?” My husband and I love visiting the latest restaurants, and we enjoy visiting museums and going to some of LA’s hottest events. We love the beach, the mountains, and exploring. So, when schools and nonessential businesses shut down, people and families like my own, began to navigate an unfamiliar new life. Peoples worlds have been turned upside down. Parents are thrown into homeschooling their children with no previous experience. For a lot of folks, working from home has been a challenge, and for those people who have to work full time and homeschool their children, life has become increasingly impossible. It can all feel overwhelming and stressful. And for some, it can feel incredibly isolating and depressing. But there is so much you can do during this time of social distancing.


Video Chat

First and foremost, remember, social distancing does not mean social isolation. Now more than any other time in history, we have the world at our fingertips. So, use FaceTime, Duo, Zoom, Skype, and any other video calling app to socialize with friends and family. If you have children, have them video chat with their friends, no matter how young they may be. Zoom playdates and storytimes are a great way to keep younger kids in touch with their friends and classmates.


Get Outside


Step outside at least once a day. Go for a walk in a remote area, have a picnic in the back yard or garden, have your morning coffee on the balcony, if you are lucky enough to have a pool, go for a swim. Go for a hike or a walk around your home, but make sure to keep your distance.


Take Online Courses

Take this time as an opportunity to learn something new. Places like offer hundreds of free online courses to the public. You have the option of going at your own pace, and also paying for a certificate, should you want to be certified. Tip: Coursera is offering Yale’s most popular class ever, and the topic is how to be happier in your life.


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Conversations with the Inspiring Naza Holliman

... It was lonely. So, one day in May of 2018, I decided to take matters into my own hands by launching the LA Mommy Blogger Tribe (LAMBT). I wanted to create a community for Mommy Bloggers to bond, create, be seen and help each other grow without judgment, in a space where advertisers would easily find just the right blogger for their needs.

Well, because the LAMBT has brought the Los Angeles mommy blogger community so much success, I took the next natural step and created the San Diego Mommy Blogger Tribe, with the help of a long-time friend and Managing Member, Maya Gutierrez.

Since our establishment in 2019, we have held monthly events, brunches, we have helped each other grow our blogs, our businesses, and have built amazing friendships. Our members have teamed up for incredible campaigns, landed ambassadorships, as well as brand work through SDMBT referrals, and have attended some of the best family events in San Diego. It has been an absolute pleasure to watch this amazing community of empowered, strong women, grow...

Conversations with the Inspiring Naza Holliman

November 05, 2019

Today we’d like to introduce you to Naza Holliman.

Naza, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.


First and foremost, I would like to thank you for this honor Voyage Magazine. I am beyond honored to be considered a Trailblazer, who is Rewriting the Narrative here in Los Angeles, as well as San Diego and Columbia South Carolina.

Turning blogging into a business has been an exciting, beautiful, long and sometimes lonely road. A road that has afforded me the opportunity to build an income stream around my lifestyle. Going at it alone, however, was proving difficult. I began to notice a disconnect between local bloggers. We all knew of each other, we had all seen each other on social media, but there was no solidarity. No community.

So, one day in May of 2018, I launched the LA Mommy Blogger Tribe (LAMBT). I wanted to create a community for Mommy Bloggers to bond, create, be seen and help each other grow without judgment, in a space where advertisers would easily find just the right blogger for their needs.

With almost fifty members in our LA Mommy Blogger Tribe, this phenomenal, supportive and empowering group of women was bound for success from day one...

Naza Holliman on The Savvy Creative Podcast by Christina Casteneda

November 01, 2018

Mamas empower other mamas, everything from sharing snacks to blogging tips, a circle of strong women will lift you up in the worst times of isolation.

Meet Naza Holliman on this week's episode of The Savvy Creative Podcast to find out more on what it takes to build a tribe of moms and a successful mom blogging business.

My MotherHustle Story

I would say motherhood created my business. All of my businesses, including my passion projects. Everything I do somehow ties into me being a mom. Whether it’s knowledge I acquired when I became a mom, or the need to be with my children.  Motherhood is my motivation.

What Do You Love Most About Yourself with Naza Holliman

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
In business, never lead with your feelings.  If you cannot take your feelings out of what you are about to say or write, wait… cool down, compose your thoughts, back them up with facts, and get back to the conversation when ready.  This advice came from my husband.  It has helped me on more than one occasion.


July 02, 2018

Happy #MomBossMonday! Today I'm excited to talk with Naza Holliman, mama of Princeton and Skyler (4 & 2) and owner of Holliman Marketing, creator of Sweet P and Sky blog, founder of SPS Playdates and founder of LA Mommy Blogger Tribe.

An adventurous mama before her boys, Naza, felt...

Mom's Devide Guide Home Inspirational Interview Series with Naza Holliman

June 29, 2018

If you you are a Free Spirit, Boy Mom, Blogger, love adventure then you do not want to miss today's Inspirational Interview Series!

Naza Holliman is the founder of the blog Sweet P and Sky, @SPS Playdates for local LA Mom's and LA Mommy Blogger Tribe. 

Join us as we chat about being a free spirit as a mom and fulfilling that adventure itch as well as the loneliness and desire for connection/friendship that comes with being a mom. We may even dive into conversation about balancing being a #boymom and #momboss

Evoke Strong Feature Conversation with Sweet P and Sky’s Naza Holliman

January 01, 2020

Evoke Strong Feature Conversation with Sweet P and Sky’s Naza Holliman

TrueToas Magazine: A Millenial Mom's Journey to Entrepreneurship, by Naza Holliman

May 17, 2018

Naza Holliman was published in TrueToast Magazine.  Read all about her journey to entrepreneurship.


May 14, 2018

Featured on Bonafide Mom's Spot, read all about Naza Holliman, her business and her passion projects.

Meet Naza Holliman of Sweet P and Sky in The Valley

March 13, 2018

Voyage LA Magazine 

Today we’d like to introduce you to Naza Holliman.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Naza. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there...

"... here and there, I posted pictures of our experiences on Facebook and Instagram and was contacted by people wondering where we stayed, what recommendations I had for them, whether it was what to eat, where to stay or what to see. Slowly but surely, my inbox got inundates by requests for more details.


It was at that point that I decided that I would start a blog, documenting our adventures, experiences, life as parents, as a married couple and our life in general. This is how Sweet P and Sky was born. Sweet P and Sky, is named after our two boys, Sweet P aka Princeton and Sky aka Skyler. They are the center of our world and we do a lot to keep their world and ours, full of fun new experiences and learning opportunities."

August 07, 2017

This 'free spirit' mommy of two boys: Princeton, 3 and Skyler, 1; and 15-year-old stepdaughter, Hailey, is proudly raising a bicultural family.

Her love of exploring and finding fun things to do around Los Angeles was such that she decided to create her blog, Sweet P and Sky (after her boys' names). Recently, Naza has launched "Sweet P and Sky Play Dates," where she coordinates and organizes fun-filled play dates for Los Angeles area parents and their kids. She has partnered with CityMoms App on bringing dance classes and other fun activities to kids in LA.

"I'm always looking for fun experiences to expose my kids to, since they are my constant companions," she says.

In her blog, Naza writes about everything from LA beauty salons with childcare services to
new exhibits at local museums; product reviews and parenthood (We love her post titled Mourning Their Smallnesswhere she expresses her feelings about watching her boys grow).

World Wide Mom Tribe

August 21, 2017

Today, we are featuring another Mom who doesn't let motherhood slow her down from still getting out and taking care of herself!


Her funniest #mommoment was when her oldest was only about 1 1/2, they were having a dance party. She got a little too into it, busted a move and her poor little guy came tumbling down because She booty bumped him directly in the face 💕💕💕 and her mantra to get her through the day? The saying "the days are long, but the years are short". 

Jump Magazine

August 04, 2017

Jump Magazine feature of Princeton and cousin Naz.

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© 2016 by Naza Holliman of Sweet P and Sky

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