Why I Became a Dyper Ambassador With Two Potty Trained Kids

About a month ago, I attended the Influential Summit, where I met two amazing women, representing Dyper. We sat together at the reception and got to chat quite a bit that night. Not only did I absolutely enjoy their company, but they blew my mind when they told me all about their product. As a matter of fact, I joked that I wished I had waited to potty train Skyler, who was potty trained only a few months prior, so that I could get him into Dyper diapers!
Since the Influential Summit, the ladies from Dyper and I stayed in touch. I truly and wholeheartedly believe it their product, and here's why...
Dyper diapers are completely free of bleaches, phthalates, ink, lotions, PVC and fragrance, which means they are not only good for your baby’s bum, but the environment too! They are made of bamboo, which is naturally renewable, sustainable and hypoallergenic. The diapers degrade at 61% by day 75 after throwing away, and the wipes fully degrade in 21 days. The wipes also only have 4 ingredients.
Best of all, they are delivered right to your door! No more middle-of-the-night emergency diaper runs.
I love everything this company is doing, and can stand behind it. Truly. So, while both of my boys are potty trained, I want your baby's bums to be safe from all of the chemicals and dyes in regular diapers. I want our landfills to be clear of the tons and tons of diaper waste. Make sense?
This is why, I proudly became a Dyper Ambassador.
What does that mean? Well, keep an eye out for some amazing GIVEAWAYS in the next week. HINT: Head to my Instagram @sweet.p.and.sky tomorrow evening.
If you need more info or would like to start a Dyper subscription, simply follow this link GET DYPER.