Back-To-School and All The Changes
This blog is sponsored by Boiron® and PTPA. All opinions expressed are my own.
The first day of kindergarten is quickly approaching for our 5-year-old, and we are doing all that we can, to make it a smooth transition for the entire family. This change is a big one for us. It not only affects Princeton, but baby brother Skyler as well. This move is breaking up the team. No more big bro at preschool, in a classroom just a few doors down. No more playing together and mingling with each other’s friends. No more big bro to look after him and report home to mommy and daddy. This is going to be a tough one for our little guy.
A lot is going to change in a little less than a week's time. Summer break will end, I will be responsible for driving the boys to two different schools, with two entirely different schedules. It seems like school drop-offs and pick-ups will take a large part of my day. So, I will have to schedule everything around both boys’ school hours.
Princeton is being a trooper, only exclaiming, once in a while, that he is “being a scaredy-cat about going to kindergarten” and “I’m going to miss playing with my friends at school.”
He’s anxious and we can all feel it. We are trying hard to be supportive and helpful in this transition. Putting him at ease is top priority.
Another change is that he is going from attending preschool 3 hours a day, only 3 days a week, to Kindergarten 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. I worry about how heavy a load this will be for our sweet boy. Worry, worry, worry… there are so many worries.
Personally, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around my little 5-year-old attending a real elementary school. Yes, yes, I know the kindergarteners have their own playground and a separate lunch area. Still, my heart breaks at the thought, and the loss of a pure, and unabashed childhood. Am I being overly dramatic? In all honesty, probably. But the "officiality" of this move into kindergarten has my wheels spinning.
I have found myself sitting around looking at Princeton’s photos from the last 5 years of his amazing life, wondering how we got here so fast. How did my baby turn into a real boy? Of course, this brings on anxiety about the next 13 years. How fast they will fly. How soon my little boy will turn into a man and fly the coupe. It’s a tough pill to swallow, and honestly, I’m having a hard time writing this without tearing up.
Needless to say, the topic has given me more than my share of anxiety. For me, anxiety, worry, and all the feels, come with an insane amount of intense heartburn. The kind of heartburn that makes you stop in your tracks and pray for it to die down as you cough and swallow, to get that burning in your throat and chest. The bloating doesn't help much either. This is just what happens to me when I stress. It's rough.
You already know my go-to remedies for heartburn, indigestion and general discomfort, Gasalia® and Acidil® by Boiron®. Acidil temporarily relieves my heartburn and indigestion, has no known drug interactions and has no restrictions on when it can be taken.* It is helping me get through all these feelings without the additional discomfort of heartburn and indigestion. Gasalia® helps with bloating and all of the tummy troubles I get when I start to stress and worry.
Because of Gasalia® and Acidil® by Boiron®, I am free to focus on my son, his big transition into kindergarten, and all of the family’s big feelings.
Find out more about these products here.
*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
I am not a parent yet but i can definitely see the stress of watching your baby grow up. Definitely bittersweet and the circle of life.
Stress comes in many forms and watching your little one grow up and take a big first step like this can be stressful. I remember those days when mine were little...but it's a great exciting adventure! Enjoy every moment and try not to get too overwhelmed.
Firsts are always bittersweet. So many changes come, and while it makes us proud to see our kids growing up, it's also sad to leave those former days behind.