August Home Smart Lock Pro
Us mom’s we worry all the time. Are our kids healthy? Are they happy? Are they safe?
You may remember, a while back, I wrote piece about front door security with August Home
It has been amazing. I absolutely love the August Smart Lock Pro and Smart Doorbell, installed by my husband. Every time someone is near our front door, we get an instant notification on our phones. Having the doorbell and lock has helped us so many times.
During recent home renovations, we were able to let the construction crew in and out remotely. What a huge time saver!
If your little ones know how to unlock doors, the August Smart Lock Pro notifies you every time the door is locked and unlocked. Peace of mind!
Well, we loved our front door security system so much, we decided to place an August Smart Lock Pro on our garage door as well.
Thanks to this amazing Mother’s Day gift from August, I have one less thing to worry about.
So, this Mother’s Day, instead if worrying about my kid’s safety at home, I can lay back and enjoy their company.
this is so true! When my kids were younger I was always worried about locked doors! Now my sister is going throught the same with her toddler, I'll share this with her!
Wow what amazing products! I would love to have today never ceases to amaze!
Oh I have never seen one of these before, it looks fab! I will have to check it out.
Looks like an interesting security lock to use in our house. I will share this with my husband will discuss something about it.
We have been looking for a new security system! This one looks awesome