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Get Organized with Hello Kitty | Erin Condren Hello Kitty Collection

Growing up, I was your average New Kids on the Block crushing, Hello Kitty obsessed little girl. Some of my fondest memories involve trips to the mall with my childhood bestie and our moms. We would each get $5 to find ourselves something special at the Hello Kitty Store (no one called it by it's real name back then), and it was always the highlight of our day.

Fast forward to today, not much has changed in terms of Hello Kitty. I turn right back into that 9 year-old little girl as soon I get near Hello Kitty. Hello Kitty is adorable, it is nostalgic and it is absolutely irresistible. Couple that with my passion for stationary, and you've got the perfect storm.

Well, my favorite maker of all things organization and stationary, Erin Condren, has an irresistible, new Hello Kitty collection!

This collection is an absolute dream! From the files to the life planners, pencil boxes and notebooks, to my favorite product in the collection; the "Be Kind, Be Nice, Repeat" Hello Kitty Kindness Journal.

I have incorporated this sweet kindness journal into my boy's bedtime routine. So, every night before bed, we sit down together and go over their day, and follow the journal's prompts. "What was a moment of kindness from today?" " What was a moment of joy?"

It helps us all see what felt great, what didn't, and how we can all be kinder the following day.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you have ever been a fan of Hello Kitty, this is the Erin Condren collection for you.


You can find the entire collection HERE or shop my favorite products HERE

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