My Fitness Journey | Step One | Equipment: Getting Fit with The Joovy ScooterX
It has been a year and a half of starting and not following through with my fitness journey. I have a million excuses and reasons as to why I stop, ranging from the kids getting sick at the gym's day care, to not being able to go to boot camp because there is no day care, to my weight loss being sabotaged by my Hypothyroidism every time I feel like I'm getting somewhere, to sheer laziness and the love of sweets. If you can think it, I can use it as an excuse. This has got to stop!
Not only do I not like the way I look when I look in the mirror, but I do not like the way I feel. I feel sluggish, lethargic. Granted, these are things that come with Hypothyroidism and can be made slightly better with an adjustment to my medication. But, I play a large roll in my unsuccessful fitness journey.
I've done it before. I've lost all the baby weight after I had Princeton aka baby number one. So what gives?
After baby number one, I lost all of the baby weight within about a years time. I jogged a mile every morning with Princeton in a stroller, I ate better and I worked out. My husband gave me great motivation. He said, "get healthy, get to your goal weight, and we can start working on baby number two." So, I lost all of the baby weight, but wanted to lose about 10lbs more to get to my "20's weight". That didn't happen. We got pregnant with baby number two on the first try! Hurray for baby Skyler!
After baby number two came, I lost the baby weight immediately and without trying. All but the last 10lbs. My goal now, was to lose 20lbs. The first 10lbs lost would have taken me to my pre-baby weight, and the last 10lbs would have taken me back to my 20's. But no matter how many times I tried to get motivated and to stick to my workouts, I just did not keep it up.
This prompted me to think about what it was that I did after having Princeton, that I'm not doing now. How could I be so blind? There were two things that really jumped out at me. Two things I did when I had Princeton, vs. when I had Skyler.
1. I had a jogging stroller!
Because we did not opt to get a double stroller when I had Skyler, as Princeton was two years old by that time and very independent, our morning jogs turned into adorable, but very slow morning walks. Skyler in the stroller and Princeton trailing behind, stopping to look at every pinecone, leaf and rock that he could find.
2. I was extremely motivated by the thought of getting healthy enough to have baby number 2.
So I need to find some sort of motivation... yes, other than just looking and feeling good. Apparently, for me, those two things are not enough. I need a push.
Once I realized that one of the my biggest hurdles was the lack of equipment, the stroller issue became a non-issue. I did a little bit of research and found that the Joovy ScooterX2 would be the perfect stroller for our light morning jogs.
It's a fabulous double stroller that fits through standard doorways rather easily, handles like a dream, and has locking front wheels for my light jogs.
I realized that one of the main reasons I stopped jogging in the mornings was that I did not have the right stroller. Princeton, being the big boy that he is, refused to get into a stroller. As a matter of fact, once Skyler started walking, he was no longer interested in the stroller life. Getting either one of them into a stroller was a game of whit and bribery.
But, they seem to love the Joovy ScooterX2. They call it their rollercoaster, lift their arms and yell "Faster, mama, faster!" "Mama, ruuuuuuun!" And so I oblige. What perfect motivation! What a great push!
Does this mean I found motivation and equipment all in one comfy stroller? Yes!

The stroller is not only comfortable, light weight and convenient for me, but it's also extremely comfortable and cozy for the boys. They have a good time riding sitting up, and they love laying their seats down to look up at the sky and watch the airplanes fly by as I jog. They kick their feet up and get comfy. Who could ask for more? They literally push me out the door in the mornings so that they can go for a "ride".
The stroller does not come assembled, but only takes about ten to fifteen minutes to click into place. You can check out the video here.

This is the beginning of my fitness journy. I will be documenting my progress as I go, with updates on diet, workouts, what works and whatever setbacks that may come.
Step one, for me, was the right equipment. Now that I am equipped with this fantastic stroller, it is time to start the real work.