Hot Wheels Ultimate Drive Thru

If you grew up playing with and loving Hot Wheels, or if you are a parent to little Hot Wheels fans, this drive-thru experience is the one for you!

I grew up attending the LA Auto Show every single year, so I laugh a little when I find myself, a mom, attending the Hot Wheels Ultimate Drive-Thru instead. It's always fun to look at the "then" and "now" to find how life is progressing. But life as a mommy of two extremely excited little Hot Wheels fans, is really all one can ask for. So, I was all about it when one of the Managing Members of the Inland Empire Mommy Blogger Tribe, Maya Gutierrez, set up the tribe's members with tickets to this fun experience.

We had such a good time at the Hot Wheels Ultimate Drive-Thru. They boys and I loved driving through all if the life size Hot Wheels displays and pointing out which ones we have in our enormous collection. The monster trucks were epic! And lets not get started on the Star Wars X-Wing and Darth Vader cars... chills.

We even got to become a Hot Wheels car ourselves.

As a parent, I appreciate the fact that the kids got a swag bag with a pack of Hot Wheels toy cars and some snacks. This gave them something to look forward to, as well as something to munch on while we drove through and enjoyed the experience.

I especially loved that there is a Buckle Zone at the end of the drive-thru, so that parents could pull over and buckled their kids back into their car seats.

Tickets to the Hot Wheels Ultimate Drive-Thru are available through January 10th. Get your tickets HERE.

For more Hot Wheels fun, check out our Reel HERE.
