Farmer's First Coffee Company

My husband and I are parents to two rambunctious little boys, who wake up at all hours of the night, as well as unGodly hours in the morning, and jump right into playing. Our kids don't just play by themselves. Play at our house, is a group activity, and parental participation is a must. So, we caffeinate a lot and often.

We have become quite the coffee connoisseurs, and drink copious amounts of the magical liquid gold. We even traded in our Keurig for a real machine with heat settings, bean grind settings and much much more. Yep, we're quite the experts!

To be quite honest, we have come to truly enjoy and look forward to delicious new brews. We research often and pat ourselves on the back when we create the perfect cup, or we have a good laugh at our latest coffee mishaps. It's a lot of fun and we really enjoy ourselves.

So, when I came across Farmer's First Coffee Company, I thought, "here's my chance to impress the hubs." What I was not counting on, is falling in love with a company for their ethics and business model, not to mention the great taste of their coffee.

Farmer's First Coffee Company opened it's doors the day after Thanksgiving. That's right, officially, they are about three weeks young. But, greatness does not happen over night.

Farmer's First, is the brainchild of Robert Durrette and Matt Hohler, who met while volunteering in Honduras in 2013. It was at that time that they began to see the real struggle coffee farmer's face.

It was an eight month stay in Peru, that led to the creation of Farmer's First Coffee Company. This is where the company came to life.

With a little bit pf pocket money, and a very successful Kickstarter campaign, Matt and Robert were able to raise enough funds, to open their doors.

I was lucky enough to get an interview with Matt Hohler, only a few short days after they officially opened for business. I wanted to learn all about Farmer's First Coffee Company. You see, "the story of coffee begins with the people behind it", Matt explained. His passion came through the phone as he dove right into the facts.

"Did you know that coffee farmers typically make about $2000 a year?" Matt asked, as we settled into our conversation.

Matt went on to explain that while fair trade coffee does in fact pay between $0.15 to $0.20 cents extra per pound, it usually does not quite reach the farmers who grow the beans. Wow, and here I thought I was doing some great humanitarian deed by purchasing fair trade coffee. Now, don't get me wrong, some farmers do get to see some of the money, it's just not enough to make a difference.

Here's how Farmer's First Coffee Company is different. They purchase their coffee from farmers at a premium price, then, they pay their coffee farmers a bonus! For the first two farmers they have partnered with, Daniel and Rosa, they have been able to raise their incomes by 61% and 79%, respectively.

Something I truly like, is that Farmers First Coffee Company gives their farmers a face and a name. You can go to their website and not only read about the coffee you are ordering, but you can actually see and read about the farmers who make the beans that you will hold in your hands just a few short days later. I mean, is there a better way to connect to your morning cup of joe?

Speaking of the actual cup of joe, Matt sent us an order of Rosa's Coffee, a dark roast, that's bold in flavor. It's delicious!

So, here's the bottom line; You can have a delicious cup of coffee, while helping the farmer who lovingly grew the beans in your cup, greatly improve their quality of life.

For more information on Farmers First Coffee Company, or to place your order (they also have a monthly subscription), visit Farmers First Coffee Company at

You can also find them on Facebook, and Instagram:

#coffee #Review #feature #food
