The Liebster Award 2017: Get to Know Sweet P and Sky

Sweet P and Sky has recieved a nomination and accepted the Liebster Award!

The Liebster Award is an award given to bloggers, by other bloggers. It's the Screen Actors Guild Award of Blogging. Well, kind of... On a much smaller scale.

One of the requirements for this award, is to post eleven things about myself. So here we go...

11 Things You Did Not Know About Sweet P and Sky

1. Having kids was never on my agenda. I knew I would have one child one day, but I never longed to have a baby. Nor did I care much for babies or their cuteness. I loved puppies. Much like women who have to stop to see the precious baby a new mom is holding, I would do the same with puppies. Never babies.

That all changed the very second Mr. Holliman put a ring on my finger. I can't explain it, and would never even try, but there was a suddent and very unexpected NEED to make a baby with this man.

Now, I'm a very proud mama of two adorable babies. I can't imagine life any other way.

2. I start to feel stagnant and complacent very quickly. The only thing that remedies the problem is travel or the discovery of something new to explore.

3. My favorite city in the world is Amsterdam. It's just so beautiful.

4. One of my dearest friends and I hiked Mt. Whitney, the highest peak in the lower forty eight states. I have been trying to write a blog about our experience for months, but have not been able to get a single word down on paper. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that we did not get to summit due to weather. I think it has more to do with the fact that I left my sick baby, Skyler, at home in order to do it, and the guild is still eating at me.

5. My husband says that I talk in my sleep.

6. I am fluent in Russian.

7. My blog, Sweet P and Sky, is named after my boys, my sweet Princeton and Skyler.

8. I let my three year old toot on me because it makes him so ridiculously happy.

9. I am in love with Louisiana, but have NEVER been there. I jokingly call it my home.

10. I love the holidays and start preparing for Halloween in August. In my head of of course. I don't actually start decorating until September first.

11. I love binge watching Netflix.

My Nominations

To do my part, I would like to nominate five bloggers who I have come to admire over the years.

1. My first nomination goes to my friend Heather Nieves. Heather is a life coach and food relationship expert. But she is so much more than that. She is a true inspirations. Every single day, I see Heather fight her own battles, all the while, helping to inspire other women to be a better version of themselves. Every day she inspires me to be better.

Heather just launched her new website, and wrote her very first blog. I am excited to follow her journey as she brings a little inspiration to this crazy mama's wild life.

Read Heather's blog here:

2. The next woman on my list is a mom I met through a Facebook group. I posted a link to one of my blogs and she replied. We started chatting, and it turned out that she has a lovely blog about traveling with kids. TRAVELING WITH KIDS!!!!! Something I've avoided doing for the past three and a half years... and probably won't do for another two years or so. She's a brave mama, and I admire her efforts to get parents traveling with their children. One day, I too will take her up on the challenge.

Take a look at Karen's blog here:

3. The next blog I would like to nominate is called The Olive Tree. Lauren, the author of the blog writes about marriage, natural living, home schooling and so much more. I especially loved her blog on the hardships of marriage and the expectations we put on one another.

You can check out Lauren's blog here:

4. Another blog I really enjoy is Crown Your Self Momma. Jessica writes about marriage, health, cooking, family and more. It's an honest and sweet blog about her life experiences, and I love it.

You can read more here:

5. The Naptime Project is the blog of 23 year old Rachel, who is a wife and a mother. I love reading about her sweet little family and how she deals with life. Her post titled "I Let My Kid Eat a Stick This Weekend" is on point.

You can read more here:

#Award #List
